Monday 16 April 2012

XLin P-WiMax XPRO-2X05-PW-BS & XPRO-3X05-PW-Base Station  , Subscriber units are xpe-2X05-CPE and xpe-3X05-CPE

Outdoor environments present numerous challenges for wireless technology, even in the licensed and un-licensed spectrum. Signals must often travel distances measured in miles and kilometers, not feet. Near-line of-sight (nLOS)
         and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) links are often the rule, not the exception. Tall trees and dense foliage challenge performance and reliability in
          rural and suburban networks. Tall buildings in dense urban canyons create challenging multi-path environments in city networks. Wireless operators need a broadband solution capable of delivering high performance in all types of environments with a reasonable return on investment  [ ROI ]. A solution that reliably transmits signals long distances and at the same time maximizes throughput in a variety of LOS,  and NLOS environments. While many have tried and are using traditional WiMax released in 2006  with mixed results and HIGH COSTS  and a FLAT ROI , We have developed a superior alternative P-WiMax based on 802.11a and providing increased Bandwidth, distance, through-put and LOWER COSTS with a POSITIVE ROI !  and allowing many  ISP business plans to turn around their NEGATIVE results.
The Xlin P-WiMax XPRO-3X05-PW
  and XPRO-2X05-PW outdoor wireless broadband solution

The X-Lin P-WiMax is the solution built to overcome virtually every challenge an outdoor wireless network faces. Built to our own proprietary P-WiMax using  802.11a standards, the XLin XPRO-3X05   provides maximum capacity while ensuring high throughput at long distances in licensed networks using the 2.3-2.7 GHz and  3.4 -3.7 GHz frequency bands. To help ensure optimum throughput in difficult multi-path environments, the XLin P-WiMax 2312-2732 ,3400-3700  features OFDMA with BPSK,QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM technology.

 Proven performance in LOS, and NLOS locations 

Rural area tests were performed at  Hotware factory  in Taipei, Taiwan. A XLin P-WiMax XPRO-3X05  access point (AP) was mounted on top of the corporate building, approximately 150 feet off the ground and facing west over a heavily forested area. The AP was connected to three subscriber modules (SM) CPE  with external antenna 23dbi Grid , each with a laptop client. Performance was tested at distances up to 30 km. with a Tx and RX through-put of 30Mbps each for a total of 60Mbps.Hotware tested the XLin P-WiMax XPRO-3X05  in forested locations because these environments are a dual source of interference. First, wireless signals  from other cross transmission sources. Second, as foliage absorbs rain and dew from the atmosphere, leaves become saturated with moisture, contributing to signal degradation and exacerbating the problem. In the tests, the XLin P-WiMax XPRO-3X05  provided exceptional range and high bandwidth performance.

 Similar tests were conducted in an city area near downtown  Taipei, with the AP situated on a top floor balcony of an eighteen-story condominium building . The XLin P-WiMax XPRO-3X05  SMs CPE’s were positioned directly in line  of the AP to test an LOS environment and aimed  opposite  for testing in an NLOS location.
Equipped with OFDMA with BPSK,QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM technology  the XLin P-WiMax is exceptionally effective in multi-path city locations. The system is uniquely adept at providing excellent performance even in dense downtown areas. When tested in these typical urban environments, the  XLin P-WiMax XPRO-3X05  with OFDMA with BPSK,QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM technology  capabilities provided exceptional range and throughput.

  In addition to excellent range and performance, the  XLin P-WiMax XPRO-3X05  Total Solution Division  offers fast, easy and cost-effective deployment. Infrastructure costs are kept to a minimum, and a great ROI. The solution provides 802.11a interoperability for fixed outdoor applications .

For more information on the Hotware XLin P-WiMax XPRO-2X05 or3X05   contract  our website at